Keep Working, Worker Bee!


If you're interested in the continuation-based web-site authoring systems like the PLT web server and Avi Bryant's Seaside, you may well know about UnCommon Web. Just recently, UnCommon Web's author Marco Baringer made a Quicktime movie (.torrent) wherein he showed how to build up a simple interactive site using UCW; I checked it out today since I'm always curious at how people are taking the continuations-as-web-programming-paradigm idea. It's about 20 minutes long and really worth watching. It looks like at a very high level the code is organized in roughly the same way you'd organize it using the PLT server (no surprise), but instead of having programs periodically call a send/suspend procedure, instead they periodically send objects(?) called components that appear to represent web pages a "show" message that behaves as send/suspend does. This isn't a big deal but does seem to cause the code for individual pages to look different at a micro level. I am a little hesitant about that, since I've long since decided that organizing a web site's code around the web pages it displays is not the right way to do things most of the time, but I really don't know enough about UCW to say whether it's really a problem.

Other than watching that video, I spent much of today revising the Scheme Workshop paper; I have to say thanks again to the reviewers who really honestly gave me tons of very useful feedback. I've completed a once-over pass that fixes most of their complaints; the only thing left to do now is the unpleasant task of creating a new section and doing some major surgery on another. That's complicated by the fact that the paper is sitting right on the page limit as it is, but I suppose that's always how papers go.

In other news, it seems that the Fortress team is using PLT Redex to model the dynamic semantics of "Basic Core Fortress" (see page 104 of the new language specification). Neat!


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